Domino qui qui, or domino poker, is an Indonesian card game, similar to the Chinese game of pai gow. The objective of the game is to obtain a hand, divided into to two subsets, that equal as close to the numbers 9-9 as possible. It is played using a deck of 28 Indonesian cards, each with markings from 0-6 on each side. The general rules, such as the ante amount, min/max bet amounts, and dealer, which rotates clockwise after each turn, are decided among players before game-play begins. You can read more on the rules over at situs judi online.
To begin, each player is dealt three cards face down, after which a round of betting ensues. During this time, the players can can bet or check. Betting is when money is added to the pot and sets the stage for all other players to match, exceed or check, which means that they essentially bow out of the round. After the initial bet players have three options, to fold, call, or raise. If players choose to fold, they lay down their hands and bow out giving up all claims to the pot. To call, players add at least the amount of the initial bet to the pot in order to remain in the game. To raise, players add more than the initial bet to the pot. Once all players have made their moves, folding, raising or calling, the dealer then passes out the fourth and final card.
So, how does one win? As stated earlier the objective is to get as close to the numbers [9-9] as possible. Here is how scoring works:
First there are four hands that trump all other hands. The big, hand that absolutely trumps all others is straight sixes. In this hand every card totals six; for example and hand that reads [3-3], [4-2], [5-1] and [6-0]. The second best hand, which trumps all others, except for straight sixes, are four doubles. An example, [4-4], [6-6], [0-0], [5-5]. Any combination of the doubles, of which there are six, will beat out any ordinary hand. The next two are decided by the total number of markers on the cards, big and small. A big hand is one that totals at least 39 markers; [6-5], [5-5], [6-4] and, [6-3]. A small hand is one that has no more than 9 markers, such as [0-0], [1-1], [1-2] and [2-2]. If no one player has any of these trump sets, then an ordinary scoring system is used. This is done by totaling the number of markers on the sets. The cards are arranged in whatever way makes the pair’s total higher. The total is decided by the second number of the combined sum. For example [4-3], and [2-3] totals 12, so the score for the hand would be 2. A hand of [2-3], and [4-0] would total 9 which would make it the winning hand.
The rules of domino qui qui, are quite simple, and once players catch on, it can be fun and lucrative.